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iMDiyA pragati pathAnE naDustunnadA?
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yes india is shining as our earlier govt said to us , we have developed a lot in terms of irrigation , cultivation, in addition to the technological,scientific, industrial development we have developed a lot in boath hardware and software industries., we have good technologiests diffnetly india is shining

Posted by: Mr. SEETHARAM ALAMURU At: 9, Dec 2005 5:15:39 PM IST

Posted by: BHADRA At: 27, Aug 2005 8:23:06 PM IST
yah we 100 agree with writers feelings.but we must know about people many people are thinking about country without selfishness.all people are enjoying really well than the requirements when comparing with some countries.unnecessary consumersism in all classes of people made economically weak.any how i can appreciate writers thoughts and views.bye

Posted by: Mr. kishore ambati At: 20, Mar 2004 11:05:09 PM IST
very nice

Posted by: Mr. ravikumar chowdary G.V. At: 18, Mar 2004 4:23:38 AM IST
Raghu garu, )) But do they come to know about their country only after going out of it? Yes, really. They will come to know how bad is their country comparitively to a developed country. They will start thinking, "why can't we too develop like this?" )) Won't he know about the Indian bureaucracy before he went abroad? Has he not read & heard stories about it even when he is in foreign land? Not that he knows about the situation here. He still tried to do something - but he gave up after sometime. He cannot go through further. People who can really make it, are great. But in the meanwhile, everybody in his close circle, friends, relative and even family members pulls him back - how many will really have the capability to continue their efforts till they make it a success? )) How suddenly he can become knowledgeble about his country's drawback once he steps in to a foreign land? As I mentioned above, it is a relative thing. We know that there is corruption in our country already - we are used to it and we are all adjusted to it already - but when you step into a land where there is no corruption in your reach, will it not create a heartburn for you? )) Take Anna Hajare. He is a great man. We need Anna Hajares, and we need Gandhis. They both have different backgrounds. One cannot become the other. Btw, I don't see a point in our discussion. Let me use my time to do something. I will get back to you after I get ready with something to show you in action. Thanks and best regards!

Posted by: Prasad Kunisetty At: 23, Dec 2003 6:20:45 AM IST
Seedlings( ....our hearts americans) are planted ; Let us wait and see how it grows;

Posted by: Mr. M Kumar N At: 20, Dec 2003 6:25:50 PM IST
Dear Raghu garu, Sorry, you didn't understand either me or Mr.Vachaspati. Let me clarify point by point. ))Do all those NRIs are really patriotic in nature and went to foreign countries?.... There is absolutely no link between patriotism and going abroad. People go abroad for better opportunities for themselves. But after leaving India, they will start understanding the difference between India and the developed world. Many feel and wish India also would develop soon - that's all. They may send some money to their family members - but not to the Govt. of India. Let's not call this as patriotism. What I mean to say is - I understand our poor (in many ways) situtation in India only after seeing a developed country. Just compare this with a villager coming to Hyderabad City for the first time in his life. It's "almost" same. A villager who came to City with in India will see more money, big buildings etc. etc. Where as an Indian coming to abroad will also see the cultural differences, the way the people and society behave - which are totally different from India. Here the point is not going to abroad. Looking at the situation (or problem) from an outsider's perspective. Why are we giving so much of importance to Mr.Mark's comments now? Because is an outsider. He can analyse our problems much better than us. Same way, the NRIs, who really want to care for their country, can see a better picture of India from outside. In "Appu Chesi pappu koodu" cinema, there is a dialogue from Jaggayya. Jaggayya has returned from London after completing his studies. He says "our leaders have got independent thoughts only after going abroad". There is a lot of meaning in it. Both Gandhiji and Nehru have experienced the life abroad. Pls. don't try to misunderstand me - I am not at all comparing all the NRIs with Gandhiji and Nehru. There are so many NRIs before Gandhiji and Nehru and they never returned back and did nothing for India. My only point is - you can see a better picture from outside.

Posted by: Prasad Kunisetty At: 20, Dec 2003 5:24:34 PM IST
Vachaspati garu, and everybody else... There is a lot of depth in this article. I will have to read couple of more times to write more about this article. For now, I am not at all agreeing with this statement.... "We are Indians living in India, and our mind and hearts are becoming American.". What do you mean by American Mind and Heart? With my two and half years of experience in USA, and more than 30 years of experience in India, I am telling one thing... 99% of Americans and people from any other Developed Country in Europe are genuine at their mind and heart. They talk what they want and they do what they want to do. They are really honest and they are responsible towards the society. In India, we are totally reverse. I feel really bad for our situation. But, I am not ashamed of this situation. Cell phones and Cable Channels does not mean that we are becoming Americans. The fact is India is atleast 3 to 4 generations behind these developed countries. Now we are getting the technology and tools at the same time when they are released in USA - but that does not mean that India is becoming USA. I hate to say this - but the fact is, most of Indians, irrespective of their social status, their job, their financial situation, including myself are corrupt. It's basically because of our system. We don't even know that we are corrupt. In fact, I realised this only after coming to United States. This corruption (in so many different ways) need to be eliminated from our Indians. Till then, we cannot progress and the quality of our life will not improve. I will continue this discussion if there are enough people to discuss - whether they support or differ with me. But no matter what, I want to work towards the real development of our motherland, India.

Posted by: Prasad Kunisetty At: 19, Dec 2003 8:56:59 PM IST
A wonderful article. It is really surprising to know the feeling and warmth for our country in the heart of a Britisher. His observations and suggestions are so good. We must thank him for studying our practices, customs and traditions and showing them the areas where we need to correct ourselves. About the one thing he asked us.... Whether we wish to be like Americans or true Indians, we, as a youth and citizens should decide. Very thought provoking one.

Posted by: Ms. Prasanthi Uppalapati At: 19, Dec 2003 1:48:18 PM IST
A wonderful article. It is really surprising to know the feeling and warmth for our country in the heart of a Britisher. His observations and suggestions are so good. We must thank him for studying our practices, customs and traditions and showing them the areas where we need to correct ourselves. About the one thing he asked us.... Whether we wish to be like Americans or true Indians, we, as a youth and citizens should decide. Very thought provoking one.

Posted by: Ms. Prasanthi Uppalapati At: 19, Dec 2003 1:12:04 PM IST
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