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What if there is a birth but never a death?
- Mrs. sharmila Sanka
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What if there is only a birth and there is no death to any living being? For some, this question is awesome and for some it is awful. We look at the deaths of the known and the unknown and with lack of knowledge comment on those who leave this earth plane thus- “It is very sad that he had to leave this early. He would have committed some evil karma for his death to be this brutal.” It is so natural for us to comment thus. But do we realize that the same death which was brutal to others, tip toes like a thief so quietly some time in our lives too? We know this truth by heart but we fail to realize this practically. This doesn’t mean we have to practice near-death life but it only means we ought to live our lives in such a manner so as not to repent at the final hour of the death. Though we do not live our lives happily and satisfactorily, we still do not want death to approach us. There are some people who wish to live as long as there are life and space on this earth plane. For a moment, let our imaginary mind assume and highly believe in this new and unrealistic concept of ‘no death’. What happens if there is no death at all for the beings that are born? We are already tired of the population in our motherland. The whole world will be over- populated with no space to live, job to satisfy one’s own needs, food to live and above all with problems mountaineering. People with life threatening problems in their lives can’t even put an end to their misery as there is no concept of death. Poor people who are born poor can never meet their both ends and remain poor eternally. Any one who is rich remains to be so all his endless life. People who are stuck with intolerant families experience hell on earth and people who are not gifted with children remain to be so all their lives. People tend to be so old but death never strikes them. Some people wish for a great change at least with their death but that change can never be experienced as there is no death at all. Isn’t it miserable to lead such a tragic life? Some people keep serving the society as slaves and some rich people keep themselves happily busy being served by the poor. At one point of time, all the people get older and older and the world gets filled with unhealthy environment with cough and various diseases reaching the rafters of the sky. The only impressive and important degree which will be wished by every educated person will be Medicine and the hospitals will then gain lots of importance. As there is no death, we tend to forget our children and great grand children too when hundreds and thousands of years pass by. Eyes lose their eye sight; ears lose their habit to listen. Brains stop to work effectively and minds stop thinking wisely. The blood circulates and all the parts of the body work as per the law of creation but at the same time heart also breathes continuously though it experiences many problems and diseases. Diseases do not stop propping up but the heart fails to stop. The wild and the creeping creatures occupy not only the forest but inhibit the whole of earth. Humanity and other living creatures live together in the same space on the same earth plane roaming with them. So why pray to God to help us live more than needed? Isn’t God great that He created us and also chose us to die one day? He knows we will be so tired of living this life after so many problems, diseases and threatening mental attitudes of thousands of various kinds of people. When there is a creation of the perishable, there will be destruction too. When the body perishes, why should we still experience the hell of living life on this earth? Isn’t God wise enough to take our lives when our time ends? Death is not at our mercy. Our life is at the mercy of God’s will which in turn depends on our own actions. So it is always wise to our conscience which will move us towards the right path in our lives. Let’s think and live right every moment, for we humans are unaware as to when the thief called ‘Death’ knocks our life. Smile every moment for the photographer called ‘God’ to hang our pictures on the walls of heaven. Let our mortal lives become immortal by our good thoughts, words and deeds. “Let your goodness be eternal as your Soul; Let your wickedness wither away from you as your body.” - Sharmila Sanka

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