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Articles: My Thoughts
Cry for a Hindu Nation
- Miss swatireddy swati
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An article by V.Sundaram on Hinduism is highly inspiring so i reproduce the same here for readers of Please read and share your feelings. 'True human feelings, passions and emotions are indeed the gastric juices of the soul' – Swami Vivekananda. Are Hindus helpless refugees in their own ancestral homeland? It is my inalienable, indivisible, inexorable and immutable birthright to demand the creation of a Hindu Nation. I am not ashamed or afraid of declaring from the housetop that I am a political Hindu, a cultural Hindu, a spiritual Hindu, an economic Hindu, a nationalist Hindu, an internationalist Hindu and above all a cosmopolitan Hindu. I am forced to assert on these lines because Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Religion, Hindu Society, Hindu culture and Hindu ethos are under the siege of certain lethal international(!) forces today. The whole of India is getting converted into a 'Nazi Land' of pseudo-secularism with a clearly defined and declared agenda for the decimation and destruction of Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Society and Hindu culture. In Nazi Germany, there was only one criminal gang consisting of one 'Herr' Hitler, one Goebbels, one Goering, one Ribbentrop, one Von Papen and one Himmler. But in the wretched India of today, we have more than half a dozen similar gangsters in each political party, all united in their resolve to destroy all remnants of Sanatana Dharma and Hindu culture. I am in full agreement with Sita Ram Goel when he says that Hindu society is the only significant society in the world today which presents a continuity of cultural existence, consciousness and functioning since times immemorial. Most of the other societies known to human history – East and West, North and South – have suffered a sudden interruption and undergone a traumatic transformation due to the invasion and victory of latter day ideologists – Christianity, Islam, Communism. The pre-Christian, pre-Islamic and pre-Communist cultural creations and artefacts of these societies are now to be seen or met with only in Libraries and Museums, thanks to the labors of archaeologists and antiquarian scholars. Hindu culture can meet the same frightful fate if there were no Hindu society to sustain it. This is the point which is not always remembered even by those who take pride in Hindu culture.

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