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Articles: Moral Stories
Miracle moment
- Mr. devrajgoud kodipyaka
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There was a place called Nagpura. It had no rain for many years and consequently there was poverty and famine. There lived a widow by name Kamala with her daughter Kannamma. They had no means of livelihood. One day the mother said to her daughter, ‘Kannamma, see how unfortunate I am. I am not in a position to feed you even a mouthful of rice. You look so weak and famished.’ Her daughter replied, ‘Mother, I am worried about you. It is so many days since you ate a morsel of food. I will try to get some food from somewhere.’ Saying so, Kannamma went out. After begging at several houses fruitlessly, she stood under a tree totally exhausted. At a distance, she saw an old woman baking bread under a tree. She went near and said, ‘Mother, I am dying of hunger. Please give me a piece of bread.’ The old lady looked at Kannamma. She pitied her and said, ‘I can offer you only one piece of bread, Take it.’ Kannamma accepted it gratefully and said again ‘Mother! My mother has not had anything to eat for the past one week. If I can get her also a piece of bread we will be grateful.’ The old lady was kind. She offered her one more piece of bread. Kannamma was returning happily. On the way, she saw a dog looking for food. She thought ‘what a pity! The dog, unlike me, does not know how to beg from people. It only looks at people for food’. Thinking thus, she lovingly offered to it one piece of bread out of compassion. The dog ate it and went away. She returned home and told her mother everything. Her mother was happy. She said, ‘You did the right thing. We can beg at several places. But what can dumb animals do? Let us share the remaining piece of bread.’

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