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Articles: Novels
Love You
- Mr. Varaprasada Rao Imandi
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'You like putting me in these situations, don't you?' she said. 'No. That is not true. I love putting you in these situations!' That invited another punch in the arm. I had known Preeti for a year. We would tell each other about our joys and our sorrows, our victories and our defeats. I would tell her about all my crushes and she would scold me for being silly. She would drag me to classical music concerts and I would add them to the list of things she 'owed me' for. Though I never let it show, I must say that she punched pretty hard. -0-0-0- It was 12:00 am and my phone was ringing. 'Hello,' I said, as I picked it up. 'Happy Birthday!' It was she. 'You're supposed to throw me a surprise party, sweetheart. Not just call to say Happy Birthday.' 'Well then open your door, dumbo!' So I did and found her, cell-phone in hand, at my doorstep -- with what seemed like half the population of my company. My roommates were supposed to be working late that night. Now I knew why. I blew many candles (seemed like much more than 25), cut my cake, got kicked in the behind, and got painted with the cake's icing. If Preeti had had her way, she would probably have preferred to use a paintbrush and a can of paint. But I bribed her with a copy of the book 'Lord of the Rings'. She had borrowed it from me three times already. I thought it was about time I gave her a copy for herself. We chatted for an hour after everyone had gone. 'I think it's time I left,' she said finally, trying to stifle a yawn. I nodded. I dropped her home in my roommate's car. As she was getting out of the car, I stopped her. 'Hey, Preeti.' 'What?'

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