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The great seer Vyasa compiled these Mantras following various criteria into four groups. Thus from the heap of knowledge four VEDAS were complied. This activity of compilation, classification and editing was undertaken for the sake of convenience. RGVEDA, YAJURVEDA, SAMAVEDA and ATHARVAVEDA are four VEDAS. In RGVEDA the mantras and prayers chanted in the Yajnyas addressed to the Almighty are compiled. YAJURVEDA gives detailed description on the various stages in the Yajnyas. SAMVEDA ordains the special way in which the in which the mantras are sung during Yajnya process for special vibrational effect. ATHARVAVEDA describes various day- to- day matters of normal human life following Yajnya way of life. SATYA DHARMA( Eternal Religion):- Vedas ordained the eternal principles for happy and peaceful coexistence on this planet ( Satya dharma) for the whole of mankind. It was the word; it was the “Law”. In the beginning Satya dharma was in its most pure form. It was universally practiced. As ages passed by, gradually, due to ignorance, foolishness, misconception, confusion and other human vices Satya dharma became polluted. At times the common man was misguided by the priests. They spread ignorance and confusion amongst people and started acting as mediators or intermediaries between man and the Almighty. They preached that the practice of religion resides in temples and not in houses. God according to them, became resident of temples and not our pure souls. These and other confusions continued for thousands of years and the evil practices(Adharma) started ruling over the planet. The evil overpowered the pious. The conditions utterly became worst. The Bhagavadgita states “whenever the Satya dharma is trampled upon and becomes eclipsed by evil, I incarnate on the planet. I resuscitate the Vedas and protect the pure and the pious”. In such worst conditions the Almighty has to descend on the planet. Avatars come to fulfill the divine mission. These Divine messengers, prophets, nabis, avataras, Buddhas have descended on the planet since the millenniums of known human history. They are like bright beams of guiding light or torches burnt into the darkest of nights to guide the humanity on the right path of Satya dharma. These prophets spoke the language of the people amongst whom they lived and they ate the food their brethren ate and wore clothes that suited the simple people of their country. They were like all other human beings, but still they were different. They were Divine. They were the incarnations of Almighty power. They had come to fulfill the Divine will. Sri Krishana warns “ only ignorant people regard me merely as a human being because they are not aware of my divine form”.

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