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Articles: My Experience
New vision, new life
- Prof. venkata ramanamurty mallajosyula
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Sarweswar's life was a sorry state... The Gift of Sight On the very next day of his arrival into Swami’s hospital (that is, February 2, 2007), he was wheeled into the operation theatre and the doctors explored trans-nasally and the tumor was decompressed. It was a smooth surgery; Lord’s Grace on Sarweswar was abundant. On the 8th day after the surgery, Sarweswar began to see again. His joy knew no bounds! It was like being reborn again, and this precious gift of new life was offered to him absolutely free an with lots of love in a world which everyday exemplifies that ‘there is no free lunch’. Just like a lotus in a sordid pond, this Hospital right from its inception has been ‘out of this world’ by living and demonstrating principles which are considered utopian by the modern man. It is a testimony to the power of selfless love. Bhagavan Baba says, “Love does not watch through the eyes; it knows the heart. Love does not hear through the ears; it listens with peace. Love does not talk with words; it talks with compassion.” And right from its inception in January 19, 2001, this ‘Temple of Healing” has done only this. Three months later when Sarweswar walked into the Neuro Out-Patient Department with a big smile on his face, a Sai Volunteer working at the hospital asked him, “How are you?” He joyfully said, ‘Fit and Fine’. And Sarweswar is just one of the many that walk into this hallowed hospital every day irrespective of religion, region, caste or class differences. To quote another instance, here is the case of Rajkumar, who is nearly half of Sarweswar’s age, in the prime of his youth. Rajkumar – His Father’s Prince A young handsome boy, Rajkumar S. Korale, is his father’s favourite son doing his second year in the Industrial Training Institute, in Bijapur, a city which is also the district headquarters of the eponymous district in the state of Karnataka. Nothing gave more happiness to Mr. Korale than seeing his son blossom into a qualified young man. He spent all his earnings from working in the fields in his village in educating his son. And Rajkumar too responded beautifully by being an earnest student. Every afternoon he would return from college, have his lunch and diligently settle down on his favourite spot on the terrace of the house with his books. It did the same few months ago on March 1, 2007 too but what followed next on this fateful day was very disturbing. From Delight to Depression He felt a sudden throbbing in his head and started to vomit. Hearing his screams his father, mother and sister ran up to the terrace and to their horror he was lying there unconscious. The distraught family carried him to the nearby government hospital in their village. The doctors there administered some drug and he recovered soon. The family was relieved and returned home, their hearts lightened and minds calm. But their peace would not last long. After twenty days, on April 21, 2007, Rajkumar had a second episode of this mysterious headache and vomiting. This time his father took him to a private hospital in Kolapur, a prosperous city in the neighboring state of Maharastra. A CT scan of the brain done here revealed a blood vessel abnormality called ‘Aneurysm’. The family sunk in despair. Aneurysm, in layman terms, is a bleb or bulge inthe artery. A cerebral aneurysm is a bulge in the artery in the brain.It can be fatal if the ‘bulge’ in the blood vessel ruptures causing a brain hemorrhage. The doctor did not mince words, he said, “Your son’s life is poised on a razor’s edge. He needs to undergo immediate surgery which is both expensive and complicated.”

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