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Articles: My Thoughts
Lessons in life
- Mrs. manjari
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So, a person coming from India feels bad to clean his own rest room and blames that he is being insulted or not being treated with respect it is really not reasonable. Here there is no ego or respect involved in keeping our own houses clean. But there are still some exceptions who still treat relatives and elderly with respect and love and keep their goals straight and try to help themselves to come up in life while giving due respect to the other party. So, at times, why relatives forget or do not want to think twice when they blame their own people is beyond any one's understanding. But one thing is true. If we keep pondering about these things, it will be a mere waste of our time and energy. So the words below help us to overcome the negative feelings and we will learn to live life to our best if we follow the sayings here. Its not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. Points to Think about : 5 Philosophies of Life! 'DON'T LET SOMEONE BECOME A PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE... WHEN YOU ARE JUST AN OPTION FOR THEM...' 'NEVER CRY FOR ANY RELATION IN LIFE BECAUSE THE ONE WHOM YOU CRY FOR DOES NOT DESERVE YOUR TEARS AND THE ONE WHO DESERVES WILL NEVER LET YOU CRY...' 'TREAT EVERYONE WITH POLITENESS EVEN THOSE WHO ARE RUDE TO YOU, NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT NICE BUT BECAUSE YOU ARE NICE...' 'NEVER SEARCH YOUR HAPPINESS IN OTHERS WHICH WILL MAKE YOU FEEL ALONE, RATHER SEARCH IT IN YOURSELF YOU WILL FEEL HAPPY' 'EVEN IF YOU ARE LEFT ALONE... HAPPINESS ALWAYS LOOKS SMALL WHEN WE HOLD IT IN OUR HANDS. BUT WHEN WE LEARN TO SHARE IT, WE REALIZE HOW BIG AND PRECIOUS IT IS!' KEEP SMILING! The above message really helps us in life in keeping our relationships with friends or relatives at a reasonable level which does not affect our set goals or values in life.

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