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Articles: Education/Training
Vivekananda 's Views
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Renunciation and service: Selfless service is of paramount importance coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for the fruits of action. These thoughts one should imbibe in himself to improve his personality for well being of him/her self, family and to the society at large. (Collected from Swami Vivekananda works) **************************** Some more thoughs on Personality Development The idea of any education, all training, should be man- making. But ironically, the present day education is always aiming at polishing outside. What use in polishing up the outside when there is no inside? The aim of any training is to make the man grow. The finest part of a man is the spirit (Sukshma Sharira) and the grossest part is that of body (Sthula Sharira). A man who has control on his finest part becomes sthisTapRagna (no desires….no emotions… same always for any situation sad or happiness). He understands then the universe and the finest part of it as God….The object of any religion is always to impart purity and morality. A pure, moral man has control on himself, his mind and knows the secret of every mind and has power over every mind. Such a man who has a great deal of control has no worries; evil thoughts never enter his mind. The body is decaying every minute; while the mind is constantly changing. The body is a combination, so is the mind, and as such can never reach to a state beyond all change. But beyond the finer covering of the minds is the Atman, the true self of man. The aim of life lies in understanding that all Atman’s are alike and they are all part of Paramatma(God). That’s why it is said that serving humanity is serving God. Manifest the divinity within you, and everything will be harmoniously arranged around you. Pleasure and happiness should not be the goals of a man, but the knowledge of knowing thyself. The cause of all miseries lies in foolishly thinking that pleasure and happiness is the ideal to strive for. It is the misery that is a great teacher rather than happiness. Wisdom (Jnana) is the goal of all life, not the sense-happiness. The highest wisdom a man should aspire is this spiritual knowledge, which imparts bliss in life; all other things in this world are but shadows, the manifestations in the third or fourth degree of real knowledge and bliss. The character of a man is determined by the sum total of all impressions gathered in the mind as they act subconsciously. If impressions are good, everything he observes looks good and as such acts also leads to do good things. On the other hand if the impressions are bad, everything appears bad and prompts him to do all bad things. We are what our thoughts have made us, so take care of what you think. Words are secondary, thoughts live and they travel far. A large number of impressions are left on the mind; they coalesce and become a habit. Have vairagya (renunciation), make real sacrifice and with it, it is possible to attain spirituality.

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