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Articles: Philosophy
God - Realisation
- Mrs. manjari
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What is the difference between human love and divine love? Human love is very limited. In human love, there is every possibility of being captured by pleasure. In human love, there is practically no opportunity to expand our divine consciousness. True human love, even if it is not spiritual, will have some psychic emotion in it. This emotion will try to show us that love should not bind or impose. However, in human love we always feel that the other person does not want us or need us. There is always some fear or hatred in human love. Human love, as everybody knows, ends in frustration, and frustration is followed by destruction. In human love, we end up losing our own sweet feeling of oneness with the other person and we end up losing our divine reality. Divine love makes no demand. It is spontaneous and constant. It is unlimited in every way. It is like the sun. The sun is for everybody. Everybody can use the sunlight, but if we keep our doors and windows shut, what can the sun do? It is God's divine Love that has to act in and through human love. But if we do not care for the divine love that is flowing around us or wants to flow in us, then the divine love cannot function in and through us. Human love binds; but before it binds it is already bound. Divine love illumines, but before it illumines, we see that it is already illumined. Divine love starts with the awareness of a higher reality. It is our constant conviction of a very high truth. Divine love at every moment illumines us, and in illumination we see total fulfilment. God unconditionally loves Each and every human being. Indeed, this is a divine mystery That no human mind can ever fathom. The very nature of human love is to stick only to one person and to reject everyone else. But in divine love, which is unlimited and infinite, the question of acceptance and rejection does not arise at all. In divine love there is no possession, but only a feeling of oneness. This oneness can enter into an animal, into a flower, into a tree or even into a wall. It is not like human love where today we want to possess one person or thing, tomorrow two persons, the day after tomorrow, three. When we have divine love for someone, at that time there is automatically inseparable oneness. No bridge is required; we just become one.

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