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Articles: Philosophy
The Light of the Century
- Mrs. mihira adusumilli
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The Light of the Century Master EK Master E.K. Kulapathi Ekkirala Krishnamacharya known popularly as Master E.K. was born on the 11th August, 1926. He was sent into humanity from the Great Masters of Himalayas as a world teacher. His work and teachings are so immense that many columns will be covered in this and coming issues of the magazine. The main work for him was 1. Spiritual fusion of East and West 2. To combine the 1st ray of Master C.V.V. and the 2nd ray of himself for planetary, solar and cosmic initiation to the accepted disciples 3. To establish sanatana dharma 4. To make way for reappearance of Christ. Now we understand the significance of August to some extent. Those who are born under its influence should try to realize its majesty to its fullest expression. Others can work out to find how the other months bestow the fullest expression of man through their own fields of action. Master EK born at Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh to the pious couple, Smt. Bucchamma and Sri Anantacharya. Sri Krishnamacharya (now reverentially referred to as Master E.K. by everyone) from an early age used to impress onlookers by his extraordinary intellectual perspicacity and his remarkably loving disposition. In addition to formal education, he learned Vedas and scriptures from his father and with his innate capacity to synthesize the best of traditions from the oriental and the occidental, Sri Krishnamacharya grew up into the legendary figure he was to be - a liberal minded traditionalist. Unbothered by considerations of fear or favour, he always did what he felt was right. What struck people most about him was his unruffled equanimity. The key to his charismatic personality may be said to be the aura of love experienced by everyone in his presence. He never neglected his duty to his family. By treating the entire society as an extended family and by spending every minute of his life in selfless service, he achieved a rare objectivity that helped him to operate from universal consciousness rather than from ego controlled attachments As a true disciple of Master C.V.V. (who said Prana Treat, Yoga Teach) he too made it his life’s mission to help people by curing their bodily ailments and edifying their minds through instruction in the yogic path. A healer’s objective, unlike that of a doctor, is not merely to remove the immediate cause of pain but to set right, “to make whole” the impairment to the psyche caused by the onset of disease. As mental aberrations and emotional disturbances play an important role in disturbances play an important role in affecting the psyche as physiological imbalances, Master E.K. believed in diagnosing and treating the sickman, not just his current symptoms of sickness only.

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