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Do you welcome Sri Krishna Commitee?
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Srikrishna committe received more than one lakh submissions across the state and NRIs. But it takes a lot of time to study them for the committee....Movement faded already. I know some G-I Officers from Telangana, other than educational institutions, there are no one to participate in it from the beginning to till date.

Posted by: Mr. Vachaspathi V At: 13, May 2010 8:57:11 PM IST
I had se en a news clipping two days back. One Ph.d student of Osmania University who inovolved more in telangana agitation and mentally disturbed went to his native place. He murdered his mother. This shows the brutality of these personnel. What the DGP and Rosaiah done is correct. Greyhounds is the suitable for this fellows. At last suitable governor posted to our samaikyandhra. I am asking straight questions to telanganites: 1. Why poor and middleclass family students only committing suicides. 2. Why Kalvakuntla and Chennamaneni families students are not committing suicides. 3. What are precautionary measures taken by this bloody professor kakaram to kcr. 4. What is the authority to say vacate hyderabad and bagho and jago. 5. How KCR became multimillionaire within the short time. 6. Why this so called veteran/old leaders in congress keep quiet Hyderabad should be common capital for the both states. 7. Are they wait for Ministries. 8. See the goodness of andhraites. Nalini got posting after her resignation. Irrespective of the parties, whoever supporting Jai Samaikyandhra those only the Real Heroes. This bloody lady Amitabh met ysr for joining in congress. Today what she told. No ethics, bloody politics. All Garbage people were ruling our country.

Posted by: Mr. bm srinivas kadiyala At: 20, Mar 2010 1:05:42 PM IST
No, I won't. It's the process of dragging the issue until it dies. I don't want this to be dragged. Let any govt decide on this.

Posted by: Bahud♥♥rapu Baatasaari At: 26, Feb 2010 0:45:09 AM IST
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Posted by: Mr. vittal reddy kamtal At: 17, Feb 2010 9:59:09 PM IST
What is there to be objectionable in not welcoming this committee? We should have patience. That is all. This committee is going to do a thankless job - it is going to be something similar to that of the allotment of villages near the present day's India-Pakistan border at the time of partition around 1947- if given to one country, the other's wrath was ineviatable! Yet, it was done! (Obviously both the parties could not be satisfied.) All strata of society from all regions must be consulted while doing this task. The matter is not that simple and we hope there would be reasonable objectivity and fairness in this job.

Posted by: SATYA RAMA PRASAD KALLURI At: 17, Feb 2010 1:36:04 PM IST
I welcome it. And I putforth my papers before it. What is wrong if the Srikrishna Committee is to review the development schemes taken up in Andhra Pradesh since its formation and their impact on the progress of different regions of the State? Maybe, it is not acceptable to some leaders of Telangana. What the Telangana Rashtra Samiti is doing is akin to what the Shiv Sena does in Maharashtra. Creating a constitutional crisis by making MLAs resign protesting the terms of reference is an irresponsible act and against the spirit of the oath taken by the MLAs. The tragedy is all those who are now fighting for Telangana have worked as ministers. How can a politician become a separatist? Those playing a double game — either for Telangana or for a united Andhra Pradesh — will be utterly defeated in future. (My letter in The Hindu on 15th, Feb, 2010). http://www.hindu.com/2010/02/15/stories/2010021555090801.htm

Posted by: Mr. Vachaspathi V At: 17, Feb 2010 10:37:33 AM IST
I not only welcome and would like to give unlimited time to go to the root causes of seperatist feelings and 'blame others for everything' type of irresponsible attitude. If they anyone say small states are good for development, they should also give scientific proof, how small it should be and initiate the division throught the country. Let whole country develop.

Posted by: Subba Rao A At: 13, Feb 2010 3:37:17 PM IST
Yes.every person who believes in democracy should welcome n accept it.it is immeterial,whether the state will stay united or seperated.every one should have the right to express their feelings. 1.all the parties expressed consent for seperate Telangana.but all of them changed their stand because of an outburst on the other side.parties are divided vertically across the state.So the commitee should consider both demands. 2.Leaders are criticising one section of the state as decoits.The facts should come out.So the commitee should see the complete records of the state from 1956.Public should know what is what. 3.The recent developments has immense impact on all the sections of the state.The feelings of women,children,Students,Minrities,BC,SC and ST classes should be given a chance to voice their opinions.Common man suffered a lot due these agitations.They damaged public properties.lot of public money n time is wasted.Students suffered in exams.Other sections have their own doubts about the future.Who will guarantee? 4.Deadline is also reasonable.It is the future of a state.10 months is not at all an issue.Is it a cake to cut into pieces and distribute?It naturally needs time. There is no comparison with other agitations.there the states are seperated geographically.Here the situation is entirely different.Two seperate regions merged in 1956 and want to seperate now.how can any one compare this agitation with Vidharbha,Ghurkhaland or others? Govt of India can not make a common rule for all.Politicians or parties are unnecessarily exploiting the situation.Their motives are different.They are using public money,time and lives as granted. I strongly support this Sri Krishna Comittee.If any one opposing it means,they are irresponsible persons.I may be wrong or Right.This is my opinion.

Posted by: Mr. Gopikrishna Ghantasala At: 13, Feb 2010 11:16:53 AM IST
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