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Science & Spiritualism
- Mr. Sree Rama Thumakunta
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What is expected of all the human beings is that they have to develop humanitarian approach towards Life to remain as sincere and sensible human beings respecting all the forms of Mother nature & other fellow beings. Instead of running for and after one’s own pleasure, running for and after other’s pleasure injects Divinity in the Humanity. You help others and God will help You. Mother Theresa is the living and legendary example of this kind. Both are meant for the Human Being. Science promotes materialistic attitude in the human beings and Spiritualism injects an aversion towards such materialistic attitude. Both the edges of Science are sharp. Science promotes prosperity and also causes destruction simultaneously. It has the constructive element running concurrently with the destructive element, whereas, spiritualism promotes realistic prosperity alone. It has no destructive element. Definitely spiritualism stands one edge above the science. Coming to the Human beings, they enjoy the fruits of scientific labour besides chewing the spiritualistic capsules. Coming to the ultimate goal of the human beings, it is only and only the attainment of peace of mind. Peace of mind can be obtained and attained only through spiritualism. How to go about in attaining such perfection in this behalf? except, through science in the form of application of mind. One’s ATTITUDE decides his ALTITUDE. Attitude relates to the nature of the human being. Nature provides every thing in favour of the man kind expecting nothing in return. Human nature also should reach such heights of Mother Nature. It is only then, his nature identifies itself with Mother Nature. Matter is Real Materialistic Prosperity is the ultimate end of Science. Realistic Prosperity is the ultimate end of Spiritualism Materialistic Prosperity refers to physical enjoyment Realistic Prosperity refers to mental enlightenment Matter is Real – Material is Real but not the Materialistic Prosperity. Mental Enlightenment alone can kindle the lights of Realization aiming at realizing God. Attainment of Peace of Mind and there-after Moksha is the ambition of the Human Being. Choose Science for Materialistic prosperity and Use Conscience for realistic prosperity. As such, Science and Spiritualism co-exist besides being inter-dependent.

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